Friday, January 23, 2009

My adorable niece Sohpia (the princess)

I am so fortunate to have six wonderful nieces in my life. I really am so proud to be an aunt to such lovely girls and young women. My nieces bring so much joy and laughter and fun into my life. Plus, when you are an aunt, you do not have to deal with all the discipline stuff for little kids or the teenagers. LOL. Seriously though, they are kind, sweet, funny, charismatic, and decent human beings. They also all have distinguished personalities and the Floss sarcastic yet witty charm. Anyway, this is just a little something sweet that happened a week or so ago.

I was playing with Lillian (she will be four tomorrow) and her sister Sophia (5 y/o). We were in my front room and listening to Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer". The girls love rock music and their dad, mom as well as their aunt (me) listen to it all the time. Lillian is totally rockin' out and playing air guitar (she is really good). She yells out, "Aunt Denise, I am gonna be a ROCK STAR". I say, "Very cool". Then Sophia, (who always needs a compliment after her sister gets a compliment) says, "What about me?" I say, "Oh Sophia, you can be a rock star too". But this did not work. She yelled back bitterly, "I DO NOT WANT TO BE A ROCK STAR".

I asked her what she wants to do when she grows up. She smiled at me and said cheerfully,
"I am going to be a princess". I smiled back, although not really sure exactly what it is a princess does all day long, so I asked her. Sophia then game me a look, that look that totally says "DUH". She said as a matter of factly, "Aunt Denise, a princess marries her prince and they live in the castle". I should have known this. I know many little girls love to play princess, but I did not know they desire to be that when they grow up. Then again, I am still waiting for my prince, and heck, I would settle for a 3 bedroom townhouse in the burbs, at this point.

1 comment:

  1. that is so cute. :)
    i love how we have the same color blog, although i was expecting yours to be purple. :)
    you should start blogging again!
